Big Butterfly Month 2021 Kerala

The Big Butterfly Month is a celebration of butterflies aimed at conducting a nationwide citizen science survey to help us assess the health of our environment.

BBM Kerala BioBlitz

This campaign coducted by iNat Kerala Community & KBMN. Upload your obseservation to


ശലഭത്താരയിലേക്ക് (Into the Butterfly Corridor)

VC Balakrishnan (Shalabhathara & SEEK)

Saturday, September 25 · 7:00PM Google Meet

(Poster by Bibeesh Balakrishnan)

Butterfly Count

This year we have 2 ways for you to submit Butterfly Count data to us:

Previous Years

Manoj Karingamadathil
Manoj Karingamadathil

Supporting Citizen Science and Biodiverisy Monitoring in Kerala, India.